Inspired Adonis Blog

Find tips for healing from trauma, journal entries of real life events, and read inspirational stories of hope.

The Inspired Adonis blog is a resource for warriors who’ve experienced mental, physical, and sexual trauma. Our mission is to help others by sharing our stories, interviewing experts on trauma, and giving you tools for trauma recovery and mental health barriers. Our blog discusses relationships, depression and anxiety, grief, and more.

With this trauma healing blog, our hope is to share:

  1. We are all human.

  2. Grief is not easy, but we can overcome it together.

  3. You can heal from trauma through nutrition, physical and mental fitness, and by connecting the mind, body, and soul.

Kass Gomez Kass Gomez

Letter to My Ex...Last Letter (Possibly)

A Letter to my Ex shows the heartbreak you go through when you feel like you aren’t enough. The thoughts and emotions that cross your mind when you aren’t emotionally okay.

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Kass Gomez Kass Gomez

Embrace the Shame of Others

Why do so many judge people and make others feel ashamed of their selves? There is nothing worse then feeling in-dignified by those that matter to you most. Do you ever think that maybe people are ashamed of you or your actions because they, themselves don't understand your reasoning or your actions?

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  • The way you tell your story online can make all the difference

    -The One Telling the Story

  • Sharing your story, your ideas, your dreams doesn't have to be hard and scary. Take your leap.


  • You have taken enough from me and I am taking back control of my life.


  • I am enough.

    -Inspired Kasd

  • Learning to let you go after you destroyed my self esteem, used my body and manipulated me for your own self gratification, has been the most empowering thing I could have done for myself!

    No Longer Your Tader